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Christmas and new year are done and you are possibly feeling slightly over-indulged. If you are planning a dry January, it can be tricky to go from all to nothing – especially if you work in an industry that relies on you entertaining clients.

Here are some useful ways to get the most from your detox and enjoy some alternatives.


Why not try some tasty alcohol-free options? Most bars and restaurants offer delicious alternatives or you can try this great gin-free G&T recipe – made with cardomom pods and chamomile tea.

Dry January

Late-night museums

Enjoying science and culture is a great way to spend an evening and a huge number of galleries and museums are open late. The Natural History Museum host some of the best offerings – with pop-up science stations, late night exhibitions and in-house cinemas.

Team challenges

There is nothing like a challenge to get everyone buzzing. The live experience of the iconic nineties program ‘The Crystal Maze‘ is situated in London, featuring challenges in each of the four zones – Industrial, Futuristic, Medieval and Aztec. This is just one of many challenge themed activities available – escape rooms are very popular.

Walk a dog

If you love animals and enjoy walking, why not get out more? You don’t even need to own a dog – Borrow My Doggy offer a service that literally does just that. It is well documented that exercise improves mind and body – you can even continue throughout the year as a resolution to being healthier.

Dry January


Volunteering is great for the soul, it does us good to give back to the community and can be a great way to meet new people and learn new things. From environmental work, to working with the elderly or homeless – there are plenty of options. Hands on London offer lots of campaigns for individuals or groups.

Dry January

Have a massage

Massage offers a whole host of benefits – improving sleep, reducing pain, stress and anxiety. Here at Moaning Cow Corporate Massage we offer on-site massage which is one of many great ways to incorporate good wellbeing practice into the workplace.

To find out more about the corporate massage service we offer, email the team now at or call 020 7129 7310.

Photos by Lily Banse and rawpixel on Unsplash

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