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The first of September marks the start of Migraine Awareness Week. The aim is to raise awareness on a disease suffered by many, yet understood by few.

As cited by The Migraine Trust, this debilitating condition affects approximately 1 in 7 people, globally – that’s more than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined. In the UK 25 million work and school days are lost each year to migraine attacks – costing a whopping £2.25 billion per year!

Migraine statistics

  • Women are three times more likely to suffer than men – hormones being the likely cause for this increase.
  • There are approximately 190,000 daily migraine attacks in the UK.
  • For three quarters of sufferers, these debilitating attacks strike at least once a month.
  • Although children can be affected, migraines usually start at puberty and are most prolific between people of 35 to 45 years old.
  • Around 4% of pre-pubescent children are affected, and the increase in female sufferers becomes apparent after puberty.
  • The average sufferer will spend 5.3% of their life with a migraine.
  • Migraine or chronic headache is the second most common reason for time off amongst non-manual staff.
  • Those suffering regularly are significantly more likely to experience anxiety and depression.


Although, at this time, there is no cure for migraines, there are ways that you can help relieve some of the symptoms.

Medication and removal of stimuli

There are many types of medication available on prescription and over the counter – these are best taken at the start of an attack and then combined with a rest or sleep in a quiet, dark, comfortable room.


Many alternative therapies are sold as ‘miracle cures’ and are often debunked. However, as cited by the NHS, acupuncture can have a positive affect in the treatment of symptoms if medication does not work. They suggest that a course of up to 10 sessions over 5 to 8 weeks could help.


Massage is a therapy that really has it all – it can help so many people, so many problems and in so many ways. Unsurprisingly it can offer some relief from symptoms and help to reduce the number of attacks. 

In 2006 a study of 47 migraine sufferers, showed that on average there was a 34% reduction in migraines during the weeks they were massaged. A further study of 26 people, looking into massage of the neck, reported a 71% reduction in the intensity of the pain they experienced during an attack.

To learn more about our professional corporate massage and wellbeing services, get in touch via email: or call 020 7129 7310.

Photo by Unsplash

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