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We are proud fundraisers for Samaritans

We donate £2 from every session booked to help them be there for anyone struggling to cope.

Samaritans is a charity working across the UK and Ireland to reduce the number of people who take their own lives and help people who are struggling to cope with how they’re feeling or with life’s challenges.

What we do at Moaning Cow:

As holistic therapists we meet people every day with a story to tell – more often than not, they have encountered some kind of emotional trauma at some point in their lives. It is truly humbling to be entrusted with such personal stories and that makes us all too aware of how hard life can be for some, and how a perfectly ordinary life can change in an instant.

For this reason, we hold the Samaritans close to our hearts. They work tirelessly in order to help anyone in need and we are very proud fundraisers for them.


We are proud fundraisers for Samaritans

We donate £2 from every session booked to help them be there for anyone struggling to cope.

Samaritans is a charity working across the UK and Ireland to reduce the number of people who take their own lives and help people who are struggling to cope with how they’re feeling or with life’s challenges.

As holistic therapists we meet people every day with a story to tell – more often than not, they have encountered some kind of emotional trauma at some point in their lives. It is truly humbling to be entrusted with such personal stories and that makes us all too aware of how hard life can be for some, and how a perfectly ordinary life can change in an instant.

For this reason, we hold the Samaritans close to our hearts. They work tirelessly in order to help anyone in need and we are very proud fundraisers for them.


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